Barnesbury CC 25 TT

Words by Paul Davis (July 25th 2021)

Race Report - Barnesbury CC 25TT

I always feel like I need to make a TT race report that little bit more exciting as they all follow the same story. Sign on, cycle at your limit for the duration, finish with a face covered in snot and slavers flowed by the ever present neither-region chafe and numbness. You'll be happy to know this one was no different and I managed a PB with a 52:58. However, the highlight of the day had to be getting an actual clipped-in push off at the start. No more frantic Crit like clip-in as fast as you can and almost end up in the gutter/ was bliss!

A special mention has to go to our 2 new Scottish Champs Warren and Mark who won the Scottish 10TT tandem event. Even more impressive, they managed it with out any mechanicals on a bike with a colorful history! Well done lads


Scottish National Road Race Championships


Scottish 50 mile TT Champs